Regular Meeting
July 8, 2014
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Sue Kern.
Greg called the
meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Ron Ellstrom was
present to discuss Oakland Cemetery. He expressed his appreciation of how well cared for the cemetery is. While visiting it
a few days ago, he had been approached by someone who told him he was planning
to install a decorative fence along the front of the cemetery. We assume this was Bob Rudsenske. Mr. Ellstrom wanted to express
his disapproval of fencing that would extend the full distance along the front of the cemetery. Greg noted that the board
has been approached about the project and is in the process of working out the details with Bob. He added that in his opinion,
because there is some opposition, we may need to take a different approach to it. Mark added that Bob has been in touch with
him and decided to withdraw his proposal to install the fencing, so the project is not moving forward.
Barry Walker was
present from the Plat of Bear Run concerning the water problems in the development. Greg and Dave visited the plat again and
made soil borings and Dave had returned the following day and again this evening prior to the meeting. Barry asked if there
were other solutions for diverting the water into the Sweet Road ditch. He added that some of the residents have installed
pumps in their basements and others are needing to do so. The water being pumped from one of the properties has nowhere to
go. Discussion followed. Greg stated that if the township were to drain the holding pond on the plat and route it to the ditch
of Sweet Road that it appears that it would return to the holding area and not actually leave the plat. He suggested that
we might do this next time there is a large rain event to see if this is true.
Susan Amick was
present to express her interest in the position of town clerk, which will be available on September 1st. She would
be willing to be trained in during the next several weeks so that she would be prepared to assume the responsibilities at
that time. Greg made a motion to appoint Susan Amick to the clerk position at
that time. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously. Dave made a motion to set the clerk meeting per diem at
$80 and the salary at $600 per month to be reviewed in March at the reorganizational meeting. Hours outside the normal clerk
duties will be paid at $18 per hour. The motion was seconded by Greg. Discussion followed. The motion passed unanimously.
Meetings and training time will be paid on an hourly basis.
Randy noted that
the township American flag is worn and tattered. Greg made a motion to approve buying a quality American flag. The motion
was seconded by Mark. Greg amended his motion to include a request to the VFW for a flag prior to making the purchase. The
motion passed unanimously.
A check will be
sent to Chad Schwendemann for the amount of $103 which represents the difference between what he paid for the crack filling
on Libby Lane and the actual cost.
Dave gave the road
report. Golden Oak Drive has been built and Dave has checked the class 5 depth.
Potholes have been filled throughout the township now that the truck is repaired.
Dave made a motion
to approve the June 24th minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:15 p.m.