27, 2014
Wing Town Hall
5:30 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors
Mark Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Sue Kern.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
Evelyn Rodman was present to voice a complaint about a
phone call she made to Greg’s house. She was distraught at the time, having just lost her sister and was attempting
to rent the town hall for a memorial. Greg’s wife answered the phone and there was a problem with the communication.
Evelyn believed that she was hung up on and was very upset about what she felt was disrespect toward her. Greg said that he
knows that it didn’t happen that way and believes it was a misunderstanding.
The Anthony cleanup was discussed. The mobile homes and
much of the scrap have been removed, but the trash and other debris from the structures is considerable. Complaints have been
received regarding trash blowing onto neighboring properties. Reed’s Excavating has not been returning phone calls and
their voicemail is now full, so Greg was unable to find out what their intentions are about completing the project. It was decided that a meeting with Rob and hopefully Reed as well will be necessary. Greg and Brad will
set up this meeting for June 9th prior to the planning commission meeting.
Caroline Strong and Jerry and Rosemary Eischens were present
from Crow Wing Estates to discuss the proposed safe house at the park. Caroline turned in a population total and asked how
to handle the property that the safe house would be built on. Discussion followed concerning how to meet the 25% match in
funds. It has been determined that the association will need to vote on whether or not to move forward with the project, as
it is their land which would be used. The board indicated that they are willing
to work with them regarding the land in any way that doesn’t require township funding.
Joe Schommer was present to discuss the developer’s
agreement for the plat of Golden Oak and also his request that the board pave the section of Sweet Road leading to the development.
He has offered to pay for half of the project and indicated that he has the approval
of the neighboring land owner. Discussion followed concerning the costs and benefits
that would be involved. Mark made a motion to pay for 50% of the cost to pave
the portion of Sweet Road from 50th Ave to the west side of Ken Pederson’s driveway, so that everyone in
the township with a home on that road will be included. The motion was seconded by Greg. Discussion followed. The motion passed
unanimously. The two quotes received are attached to these minutes.
Greg had spoken with Jim Kramer from KLD who surveyed the
township property in 2005. Somehow the vacated street was not included as part of the neighboring property. Jim has offered
to re-survey the property at no charge and it was determined that he will be asked to set the new corner pins and also mark
a line across the concrete exactly where the property ends. At that point, if we have to remove a section of the pavement
on the basketball court, we will do that or make an offer for that portion of the lot.
Bank paperwork was signed changing the name of the treasurer.
Greg made a motion to appoint the following election judges
to serve with the clerk at the primary and general elections this year, assuming they are all available to receive training:
Darlene Jillson, Sue Kern, June Hunter, Linda Schuety, Nick Reindl, Chuck Nelson,
Karen Ruona, Kathleen Lordbock, Sharon Schultz, and Shannon Haglin. Scheduling
preference will be given to those whose names came through on the a political party list, as required by law. The motion was
seconded by Mark and passes unanimously.
Greg had met with Doug Morris at solid waste. It appears
that we will be paid according to our tonnage. Adding appliances and some electronics should increase that amount.
Dave made a motion to approve the minutes of the April
24th Board of Appeal meeting and the May 13th regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 9:00 p.m.