Regular Meeting
10, 2014
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg
Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Sue Kern.
Greg called the meeting to order and the
pledge to the flag was recited.
Land use violations were discussed. The
need to set a standard inspection fee was identified. Mark made a motion to set a $25 fee per town board or planning commission
member per inspection. The motion was seconded by Dave. Discussion followed. The motion passed unanimously. An inspection
of the Jacky Jensen property indicated that the garbage stored on the property for the past couple of years is still there
and the deadline for cleanup has been missed. She will be billed for the inspection and notified that court proceedings are
imminent. She did not attend the meeting to discuss the matter. The Juaire property
has shown a great deal of improvement. It appears that they are still working on the back yard. A letter will be sent thanking
them for making progress and asking that they let us know in the near future when they are finished.
Bob Bartel had contacted Dave regarding
the wet area on Sophie’s Way. He believes that we could drain water from that area by doing more ditching along Sweet
Road. Discussion followed regarding the purpose of roadway ditches and what could or could not be done. Bob had been invited
to attend the meeting, but was not present.
Bruce Hayes had also called about his entrance
onto Libby Lane. Dave had told him that he doesn’t need a culvert. Recent rains have caused some water pooling at the
driveway. It was determined that a culvert will be provided if an entry permit is obtained.
Dave noted that not all of the crack filling
has been completed. They did fill Remington Way and Hunter’s Circle, which are
not our roads. Dave will make sure that we do not get billed for them. A letter will be sent to Terry McFarlin expressing
our disappointment in the lack of service that we have received. The project was bid over a year ago, was not able to be completed
in the spring so postponed to fall, not completed in the fall and now not completed this spring. We have incurred considerable
damage with the heavy rains going into open cracks. Chris Larson will be copied on the letter.
The property line with the parcel next
to the town hall has been re-surveyed. The cement slab for the basketball court does go over the line by several feet. Discussion
followed concerning whether to cut the edge of the court off or make an offer to purchase ten feet of property. Greg made
a motion to offer the owners $1500 for the north ten feet of the parcel, which is less than 1/10 of an acre and to cover the
paperwork. If they do not accept the offer, the slab will need to be cut. It will be noted in the letter that the county values
that amount of property at less than $700 and that we do not believe it will reduce the value of their property. The motion
was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
Dave gave the road report. The township
truck is in the shop and the repair estimate it $1000. Greg made a motion to approve the repair. The motion was seconded by
Mark and passed unanimously. Costs were compared for contracting the sweeping of intersections versus purchasing our own equipment
and doing it ourselves. No motions were made.
Dave made a motion to approve the May 27th
minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned by general
consent at 8:30 p.m.