Regular Meeting
April 8, 2014
Crow Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark
Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag
was recited.
The Plat of Golden Oak was discussed in regard to the road
and the unpaved portion of Sweet Road that leads to it. Joe Schommer was
present and interested in finding out of the board is willing to take over the
road and to pave Sweet Road to where the new road would intersect. He had
indicated his willingness to contribute to the project. These items would need
to be made a part of the developer’s agreement. It was not determined when the
road will be taken over or how the maintenance agreement will be worked out,
but Joe was assured that the township will take the road over, with those
details being worked out during the process of creating a developer’s
agreement. The board will look into the possibility of paving a portion of
Sweet Road and the gravel portion of 50th Ave. but were not ready to make a decision on where
to spend road and bridge funds.
The majority owner of the plat of St Onge Estates had
submitted a request to amend the covenants of the plat. The covenants currently
require town board approval due to the way they are written. The amendment
provided would release them from the obligation to obtain board approval for
any future amendments. Since the township does not enforce covenants, Mark made
a motion to approve the amendment. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed
One bid for regular road maintenance had been received from
Dale’s Excavating. The bid was opened and reviewed. Mark made a motion to
accept the bid. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
Cliff and KT were present from North Central Speedway to
request town board approval for the renewal of their 3.2 malt liquor license.
Greg made a motion to approve the renewal. The motion was seconded by Mark and
passed unanimously. Chad Knutson was
present on behalf of Wild Rice Depot and Liquor Store. He requested approval
for a 3.2 liquor license for both stores. Mark made a motion to approve the
renewal for the gas station. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed
unanimously. Mark made a motion to
approve the renewal for the liquor store. The motion was seconded by Dave and
passed unanimously.
Tate Abersoll was present to discuss recycling. He stated
that he can take anything that has metal in it and is electronic other than
items with a display screen. Doug Kern is also interested in participating. He
was not present. Tate will discuss this with him so they can make arrangements
for who will take which items. Tate will create a flyer and send it to Ginny.
We will then put together some sort of township mailing.
Sheriff Dahl was present and provided an update from the
Sheriff’s Department.
Susie gave the treasurer’s report and claims were approved
and paid.
Dave gave the road report. There was discussion about
mailbox posts. Dave was asked to look into the purchase of swing-away posts.
Dave had noticed on his road tour that the bags of refuse at Jacky Jensen’s
property have not been removed as we have been told they were. A letter will be
sent, along with a bill for the monthly land use violation administration fee. Dave
also shared information from the county and township joint road meeting.
Mark made a motion to adopt Resolution 2014-01, authorizing
Dave Schultz to work with the roads for the next year. The motion was seconded
by Greg and passed, with Dave abstaining.
Greg made a motion to adopt Resolution 2014-02, authorizing
Mark Platta to work with the cemetry for the next year. The motion was seconded
by Dave and passed, with Mark abstaining.
Greg made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 25th
meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
Greg made a motion to leave the wages the same as the 2013
rate. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
The deputy treasurer position was discussed. It was
determined that she should be trained by the treasurer on an hourly basis and
attend the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 9:45 p.m.