28, 2014
Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors
Mark Platta and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers.
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
The Anthony property was discussed. Cleanup continues as
County Commissioner Paul Koering was present and the board asked him about tax dollars that are collected from
our township and used to fund the County Planning & Zoning Department. The board would like to request that the money
collected from this township that is used strictly for planning and zoning administration be returned to the township since
we have administered our own since 2007. Dave noted that Chris Pence has information on how much that would be. Paul said
that he would look into it and let us know what he finds. He was also asked about SCORE funds for recycling. With $15 per
household collected from the three townships that our recycling center serves, there would appear to be enough funds to cover
all of our expenses with several thousand dollars left over. The Solid Waste Department has informed us that they will only
cover the hauling fees and will not pay any of our other expenses. Paul said that the county is currently looking into costs
and fees at the landfill. He will look into the situation with the SCORE funds and asked the board what we are looking for.
Greg replied that if we could have our allotment put back to the $12,000 that we were previously receiving, that would cover
the entire cost of the recycling program for all three townships.
The proposed fire contract was discussed. Ginny will look into the dates of payment in the contract and the supervisors
will discuss it again at the next meeting.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The minutes of the January 14th meeting were reviewed.
Mark made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously,
Correspondence was reviewed and the meeting adjourned by
general consent at 8:00 p.m.