17, 2013
Crow Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor
Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers. Absent: Supervisor Mark Platta
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
The planning and zoning report was reviewed. Justin Burslie,
Township Planner reviewed the Schoemmer rezoning application which the town board had sent back to the planning commission
for further consideration. The planning commission did not make a second recommendation, but they did cite ten findings of
fact regarding the application. Dave stated that he felt his questions had been answered and he was ready to make a decision.
Discussion followed and it was generally agreed that the reason for rezoning to RR 2.5 is because there are some lots in the
proposed development that are short of five acres by a small amount, making the size of each parcel much larger than the minimum
2.5 acre amount. Dave made a motion to approve the rezoning to RR 2.5, based on the agreement with the developer that no lot
in the plat will be less than 4.5 acres in size. The motion was seconded by Greg and discussion followed including the fact
that Greg would like to have Mark present when a decision is made. Dave voted yes and Greg voted no. The application will
be on the agenda for the January 14th meeting.
The Anthony property was discussed. Greg and Brad will
get a date and time sent with Reed’s to visit the property. Dave and Brad inspected the Engholm property and took photos
of the debris on the property. They have been forwarded to the attorney. Joe
Nelson was present concerning the Wakefield property. Dave checked the property and it appears that the cleanup is complete
and the property can be removed from the violation list. Dave made a motion to consider the violation resolved. The motion
was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously. Joe also asked about the assessment for legal costs on the parcel. Greg said
that he didn’t think we could remove the assessment, because those costs would then have to be paid by the taxpayers
of the township.
Brad also noted that there has been an error, apparently
on the part of the county with the Mills (Lively) annexation . The Jordan property
was discussed. The surveyor will be asked to look into it further.
Steve Hagen was present regarding the stop signs on 70th
Ave that were voted to be removed at the November 26th meeting. He was concerned that a small number of people
attending a meeting could get a decision reversed on something that 30 or 40 people asked for. Greg responded that through
this process, he has learned a lot about this type of situation. He was surprised at the amount of information against using
stop signs for controlling speed. He also noted that Mark had stated that the dip in the road should be looked into in the
The well water problems at Crow Wing Estates were discussed.
The board will continue to look into what might be able to be done.
The language for the question on the ballot in March was
considered. Greg made a motion to approve the following assuming it is allowable: “Should the Crow Wing Township election be moved from the second Tuesday in March to
the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November?” The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The minutes of the December 3rd meeting were reviewed.
Dave made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously,
Correspondence was reviewed and the meeting adjourned by
general consent at 8:20 p.m.