26, 2013
Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors
Mark Platta and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers.
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
Deputy Denny Lasher was present to discuss the speeding
problem in the Lone Oak/70th Ave area. They have placed a speed trailer in the area which didn’t indicate
any excessive speeds other than a couple that were 20 m.p.h. over the limit. They have increased patrolling and have not noticed
a huge problem in the area. Discussion followed and residents indicated that there is often excessive speeding on Lone Oak
Road. Deputy Lasher indicated that they will continue to patrol regularly and encouraged residents to call in and let them
know when there has been a problem. He noted that the calls should be made to dispatch which gets the information out very
quickly. The phone number is 218/829-4749. Greg expressed the town board’s appreciation for the extra attention to the
There was discussion concerning the new stop signs at 70th
Ave. and Ravenswood Rd. Greg shared information from various studies concerning stop signs and speed. His opinion was that
he has no problem with removing the stop signs, but only after looking at the hill and resolving any issue with visibility.
In the meantime, it appears that is has done some good regarding speeding. He indicated that his opinion is that the sign
should remain in place at this time. Dave shared information from the county and said that in his opinion the signs make people
stop unnecessarily. Dave made a motion to remove the signs. The motion was seconded by Mark. Further discussion followed.
Jeremy Tautges said he comes out from Ravenswood every day and that he makes it a practice to look twice in the direction
of the low area on the road, but he believes that that is part of driving and something everyone should do. The “Left,
Right, Left” technique was also mentioned by Brenda Bray and Dave agreed that if this was practiced any approaching
vehicle would be visible. Dave also noted that there are many areas in the township where it is advisable to look twice before
pulling out. A few areas were identified with the biggest visibility problem seeming to be at the Wetherbee Road/Gorron Road
intersection where traffic with a 55 m.p.h. speed limit crest a hill just before the intersection. The motion passed with
Greg opposed.
Rob Anthony and Reed of Reed’s Excavating were both
present to discuss the cleanup of the Anthony property. Reed stated that he is offering a better price based on being able
to come in and complete the cleanup without pulling out and going back in. He would charge $25,000 for the cleanup, including
all of the mobile homes. Landfill fees would be charged separately. Dave made a motion to move ahead with the agreement between
the township and the Anthony family. The motion was seconded by Greg. Discussion followed including the need to establish
which items can stay on the property. Reed, Greg and Brad will meet with Rob on the property at 3:00 p.m. on Monday December
2nd to complete the agreement, which will include a list of what can stay and can then be signed by Rob’s
Brad gave the planning and zoning report. The Planning
Commission will be reviewing the Schommer rezoning application at the board’s request.
Dave had looked at the Jordan property. The doors on the
garage would not be large enough to accommodate the township equipment so would have to be changed. He looked into the cost
of building a similar building on township property, which would be approximately $27,000. They are asking $55,000 for the
property. The county shows the value to be $37,244, so there is a considerable difference there. Discussion followed concerning
possibly having to remove a portion of the cement basketball court if it is confirmed that it is across the property line.
Greg assured Molly that we will make sure that we do the right thing regarding the cement slab. It was determined that the
surveyor who was hired to survey the township property before the slab was put in should be asked to verify their measurements.
Greg took a copy of the survey and he will contact KLD so this can be resolved by the next town board meeting. Molly will
attend the next board meeting for results.
Jerry and Rosemary Eischens were present to ask what can
be done about the water situation at Crow Wing Estates. Greg has been looking into grants for the project and will bring more
information to the next meeting.
The Engholm property was discussed. It was determined that
a follow-up inspection will be made on December 9th at 3:30 p.m. Dave and Brad will meet there and will take photos
of the property if needed. A letter will be sent informing the property owner of this.
Greg made motion to add the following line to the Land
Use Violation Enforcement Policy: “There is a standard administration fee
of $10 per month.” The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
The Eischens also asked about getting the township’s
assistance in assessing unpaid association fees to a property owner who has repeatedly refused to pay. This has been through
the courts twice and both times the property owner was ordered to make payments, but still is not doing so. The auditors office
has indicated that they will assess this if it comes through the township. Greg made a motion to move ahead with the assessment
against the Nelson property unless it is determined that we are not allowed to do so. The motion was seconded by Mark and
passed unanimously. Ginny will call the attorney to make sure that it is acceptable to do this.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The minutes of the November 12th meeting were reviewed.
Dave made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously,
Correspondence was reviewed and the meeting adjourned by
general consent at 8:30 p.m.