Regular Meeting
12, 2013
Crow Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
John Jansen has
presented 71 pair of gopher feet for bounty.
Molly Jordan was
present to discuss the property line between her property and township property. It appears by the boundaries shown online
that approximately 3 feet of the basketball court in the park may extend onto
their property. The survey of the township property was reviewed and discussion followed. The board will look into this and
speak with the surveyor, the county and planning and zoning to figure out what the township’s options are. Molly suggested
that the township buy the entire property. Dave will look at the building to make sure that it would be practical for township
The planning commission
held a public hearing regarding the Schommer rezoning and recommended approving the rezoning from Agricultural to Rural Residential.
Discussion followed including the fact that the planned plat is have lots that are generally 5 acres in size, although one
or two will be slightly less than that. It was determined that a decision will
be tabled until the next meeting while we find out if the rezoning could be to a five acre minimum instead of 2.5 with a variance
for the lots below that size.
Rob Anthony was
present to discuss the cleanup on the Anthony property. Greg had contacted him to see if he was ready for an inspection and
he had indicated that he was not and that there was no written agreement with a contractor. Rob stated that he has moved a
couple of cars and is working on getting parts and things out of the buses. Discussion followed. Reed’s would like things
to be clarified as far as how the cleanup will progress and how he will be paid. Greg stated that the agreement was to have
been ready for this meeting. Rob indicated that he didn’t understand what he was supposed to do. Rob asked for more
time and said he would call Reed immediately after leaving the meeting, if the board agreed to give him more time. Greg stated
that this has gone on too long already and nothing seems to be getting done. Dave suggested making a final decision on sending
this through the courts at the next meeting, which is November 26th. Greg suggested sending a letter to Rob clarifying
exactly what needs to be done by the 26th. It would include having a written agreement between Rob’s parents
and a licensed contractor, which includes a start date (no later than December 15th) and estimated completion date (within
six months) for everything including the mobile homes. The contract should also indicate how much will be completed each month. Two weeks prior to the start of the cleanup a representative of the town board will
meet for an inspection. The contractor should be present as well so that he is informed about which items must be removed
and which ones can stay. If these deadlines do not work for the contractor the town board should be informed of this. Rob
will be sent a couple of additional copies of the letter – one for his parents and one for the contractor that they
choose to work with. Dave made a motion that if this agreement is not received by November 26th that no more extensions
will be given and the matter will be pursued in court. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
The Wakefield cleanup
was next on the agenda. Joe Nelson was present and indicated that he has continued to clean up the property. Dave had visited
the property and suggested that another inspection be made after the two burn piles have been eliminated.
Greg made a motion
to adopt Resolution 2013-03, attached to these minutes, regarding the acceptance of Libby Lane as a town road. The motion
was seconded by Dave. Discussion followed concerning the fact that the crack filling has not been completed yet, but the $450
paid by the developer should cover the cost and will be considered adequate. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Jerry Eischens was
present to discuss the water problems at Crow Wing Estates. It doesn’t appear that Region Five will be able to help
with the situation. He asked if there is anything that the township can do. We will look into the details of a subordinate
service district.
Susie gave the treasurer’s
report. Claims were reviewed and paid.
Dave gave the road
report. There are trees that have been planted in the right of way of Craig Road. A letter will be sent to Pete DeChaine,
assuming they are his, letting him know that if they remain there, they will be cut off by the mower next summer. Big Wood
had put in a driveway onto their new parcel and no entry permit was obtained. A letter will be sent letting them know that
they need to get one. He also share information from the meeting between the townships and county highway department.
Mark made a motion
to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned
by general consent at 9:30 p.m.