Regular Meeting
October 8, 2013
Crow Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers.
Greg called the
meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Joe Nelson was present
to discuss the cleanup on the Wakefield property. The property is looking better
all the time. He intends to finish the project as soon as possible.
Greg will call Crow
Wing Power about the streetlight at 70th and 371 very soon. The request for stop signs on 70th Ave at
the Ravenswood Rd intersection was considered. The supervisors had each visited the area and checked on the visibility. They
felt that especially considering the 35 m.p.h. speed limit in that section of road, there does not seem to be a safety issue.
Steve Hagen was present and stated that a highway patrolman who lives in the neighborhood ticketed a woman there for driving
72 m.p.h. It does seem that it is possible that drivers of lower vehicles like smaller cars might have a problem seeing down
into the dip from Ravenswood Road. Discussion followed. Dave stated that the county doesn’t put stop signs on main roads
in a T intersection like this unless the traffic coming off the other road is two thirds of the traffic count. Steve noted
the petition that he brought to the last meeting had more than 30 signatures on it from people in the neighborhood. He said
no one turned him down when he asked them to sign. He said he will get more signatures if they are needed. Dave said that
he is concerned that if we don’t have a policy in place for this type of request we will be asked to put up stop signs
at many more intersections while the state and county recommend reducing the number of signs. Greg made a motion to install
the signs for the traffic going north and south, making this a three-way stop, based on the fact that there have been reports
of excessive speed on 70th Ave, one accident and other close calls, and also due to lack of visibility from the
south and the petition with 33 signatures. The motion was seconded by Mark. Discussion followed with Dave noting that he would
like to hear from more of the residents further down the road and on Lone Oak Rd. The motion passed with Dave opposed. Steve
asked when the signs will be installed. Dave said that he should be able to get to it next week.
Joe Schommer was
present to discuss a development he would like to put in near the intersection of 50th Ave and Sweet Rd. He asked
if the township would be interested in paving the approximately 550 feet of Sweet Rd that would intersect with the road into
his development. Mark noted that the reason the road has been left unpaved is due to the potato trucks hauling out to the
highway in that area. Dave added that it wouldn’t help the township because we would still have to grade the rest of
the road. The development will likely have six lots. It was determined that it would be best to pave this section of road
at the same time as the road in the plat is done. A developers agreement will
need to be created for this plat.
Joe Radinovich was
present and addressed the board. He said that he is trying to get to some of the larger town board meetings. He shared information
on what the state legislature has been doing in regard to townships and answered some questions that the board had.
Jerry Callahan was
present to update the board on what he has gotten done on his lots. He has finished the rafters on the shed and is starting
to put the steel on the roof. He will be moving things inside once the roof is complete, which he hopes to accomplish before
he leaves for the Florida for the winter.
Jerry Eischens was
present to discuss the well at Crow Wing Estates. The state wants him to get licensed to service the well, but he doesn’t
feel the well is worth continuing the use of. They are hoping to find financing for a new one.
Joe Radinovich was asked if the state could offer any help with this. He said that if we send him an email he will
look into it. Tad Erickson with Region Five is also supposed to be looking into this.
Rob Anthony was
present to discuss the cleanup of the Anthony property. Reid Museus of Reed’s Excavating was also in attendance. He
said that he could clean up the property for approximately $40,000. The scrap metal that is there would be taken off of that
total. Reid suggested doing the scrapping portion first and using it as a bank to work on the cleanup, starting with the portion
the township deems most important and working down from there. Discussion followed. It was determined that an agreement should
be made between Anthony’s and Reid’s Backhoe. We will also draft
an agreement between Anthony’s and the township giving the township permission to assess cleanup costs to the property.
This would be for any additional costs that remain after the proceeds from the scrap have been depleted. It was determined
that Rob and Reid will meet with at least one person from the township to come up with a plan for resolving the violation. The property tax records were reviewed and it was noted that two of the parcels may
be being billed at commercial rates. Rob was advised to go to the courthouse and ask that this be changed since there is no
longer a business in operation and also to look into getting the parcel Rob lives on changed to homestead.
Dave gave the road
report. 6810 Barrows Ave has two piles of debris that appear to be concrete and asphalt chunks, one in in the front and in
the back yard. We will need to send a letter about this unless it gets cleaned up right away.
Mark made a motion
to approve the September 24th minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
Correspondence was
reviewed and the meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:50 p.m.