13, 2013
Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor
and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Greg called
the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Chad Schwendemann was present to request that the township
take over Libby Lane in the Sophie Rowan development. It was determined that the plat has met the minimum number of lots with
homes on them. The cracks in the roads will need to be filled prior to acceptance, but everything else looks ready to go.
He will have Anderson Brothers fill the cracks when they do the rest of the township and then the road will be accepted. Greg
made a motion to accept Libby Lane with the condition that the cracks are filled and paid for by the developer. The motion
was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
A complaint had been received about barking and running
dogs from a particular property in Crow Wing Estates. A letter will be sent to
the property owner requesting that she control her dogs.
Rob Anthony was present to discuss cleaning up the land
use violation on the Anthony property. He stated that he has been hauling things in for scrap all summer. He is concerned
how much the cost will be to remove all the mobile homes from the property. He asked if he could get more time to construct
a fence and containment area. Greg stated that it would be a big job to bring the salvage yard into compliance with the ordinance
and added that he has been given more than a year to do this and it has not appeared to have moved forward. We will get a
list of contractors from the county and Rob can have any that he may like to work with take a look and offer quotes on the
The Bast rezoning request was reviewed along with findings
of fact and the recommendation for approval by the planning commission. Dave made a motion to approve the rezoning. The motion
was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously. The new zoning map was reviewed. Justin will be asked to add all of the road
names to the larger map.
Greg contacted Crow Wing Power and they will look at the
intersection of 70th Ave with Bus. 371 to see if a light could be place on the existing pole there. Greg left a
message with the owner of the porta potty in the park asking that they contact us about servicing it.
Jerry Callahan was present and stated that he will be erecting
the fence along his property.
A report was received that three kids presumed to be from
the Neelan property were sitting on the road with their bikes flipped upside down and were nearly hit by a car. These kids
play on the road much of the time and many people have expressed concern that they will be hit one day. Other complaints about
the Neelan property continue to come in. It was determined that a letter will be sent informing them that due to no action has been taken to resolve the outside storage violation, an inspection of the property
will be need to be performed at their expense.
Susie gave the treasurers report and claims were approved
and paid. A street improvement cd is coming due. Rates were reviewed and it was determined that it will stay at Mid Minnesoty
CU for one more year.
Dave gave the road report. There is a second driveway at
7317 Lone Oak Rd. A letter will be sent notifying the property owners that a permit is required for any entrance onto a township
road. At 7542 Stone Ridge there are rocks and landscaping placed within just a couple of feet of the road. Greg will take
a look at it and see what should be done about it. At 10187 Robin Street there is a basketball hoop and trailer.
Dave made a motion to approve the July 23rd minutes as
written. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
Correspondence was reviewed and the meeting adjourned by
general consent at 9:00 p.m.