23, 2013
Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors
Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers.
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
Sheriff Dahl was in attendance and gave an update from
the Sheriff’s Department including drugs, water safety, texting and driving problems and motorcycle accidents. He was asked about archery practice and informed of a situation where one resident’s
arrows were ending up in another resident’s yard.
Greg had received an inquiry from Becky Eckelman, St. Mathias
Township Supervisor, regarding working out an agreement for Crow Wing Township to plow and mow their end of 50th
Ave. Discussion followed. It would be fairly simple for plowing since we contract with Dale’s Excavating and he could
bill them for their portion. It was determined that mowing and brushing would be billed at $60 per hour.
Jerry Callahan was present to discuss his property in Barrows. Two of the lots were changed to Commercial II when they were in fact owned by his
ex-wife. He believes that the county rezoned the wrong two lots. Justin will be asked to look into the process for dealing
with this.
Greg shared information about the request for streetlights
at the intersections of 70th Ave/Highway 371 and 50th Ave/Highway 371. He spoke with Tim Bray and the
County Highway Department who reviewed some of the criteria the county used in selecting the 371/St Mathias Rd intersection,
which was recently lighted. He will also get in touch with Crow Wing Power to find out what the costs would be. Dave will put a traffic counter on 70th Ave.
Brad gave an update on planning and zoning issues. There
has been a notable increase in permitting, so activity is picking up this year. The zoning map is complete and will be reviewed
at an upcoming meeting. The Anthony property was discussed. There has been no
response to the letter reminding them of the July 31st deadline for cleanup or to bring their salvage yard into
compliance with the ordinance. Discussion followed concerning how much less costly this would be if it could handled outside
the court system. This could be accomplished if the property owner was willing to work out an agreement rather than having
it done by court order. Dave made a motion to send a letter to them requesting that they attend the next meeting if they are
interested in working out an agreement. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed
unanimously. It was reported that there is a lot of debris dumped along the power line trail and the Mississippi River on
Potlatch Land. A letter will be sent to them requesting that they look into this.
The cemetery was discussed. The rules and regulations will
be revised at the next meeting. In the meantime Randy was asked to remove any decorations interfering with mowing.
A new security camera was installed at the town hall and
the supervisors adjusted it so that it has a good view of the dumpster by the shed. Sheetrock and other debris have been placed
in the dumpster and the board hopes to identify the person who has been putting it there.
Dave informed the board that the tires on the township
truck are in need of replacement. The price for 6 tires will be $1400. Greg made a motion to purchase the tires. The motion
was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously. Dave will wait for an upcoming sale on the tires in September.
Greg made a motion to approve the July 9th minutes as written.
The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
Correspondence was reviewed and the meeting adjourned by
general consent at 8:15 p.m.