26, 2012
Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman
Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
No gopher bounties were claimed.
Brad gave the planning and zoning report. Land Use violations
have been prioritized and a list was provided to the town board. The ISTS design and review process was discussed. Language
is being added to the application that will help ensure that the person who reviews the design will always be the same person
who provides the final inspection. At this time Dennis Slayton has submitted a bill in the amount of $200 for two systems
for which he reviewed the design, but received no payment because he did not perform the final inspection. Dave made a motion not to pay the bill and request that the discrepancy be worked out between the two inspectors.
The motion was seconded by Mark. Discussion followed. The motion passed unanimously.
A letter will sent to both Luanne and Dennis asking them to work out payment between themselves. The possibility of a township cleanup was discussed. Brad asked if this is something that the planning commission
should look into. Greg will check with the county to see what they may be able to offer in the way of assistance.
Tim Bray, County Engineer was present and provided a copy
of the county’s five-year road plan. Sign retro-reflectivity was discussed as well as North Koering Road and other roads
in the area. Tim mentioned that the county is striving to work with communities to assist with these types of programs.
The annual meeting topics were reviewed and township staff
assigned to give reports.
A fire proof file cabinet was purchased from the City of
Baxter for $25. A big thank you to Kevin Cassidy for noticing our letting us know that it was available and also to the City
of Baxter for the great price. The cabinet is in the town hall and already in use for our long-term and permanent records.
Greg made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The
motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
Payroll was approved and correspondence was reviewed. The
meeting adjourned by general consent at 9:00 p.m.