Regular Meeting
12, 2013
Crow Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers
and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the
meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Wade Miller was
present on behalf of the DNR to provide an update on the planned extension of the Paul Bunyan Trail to Crow Wing State Park.
Maps were reviewed and questions answered. The plan is approximately 50% complete and Wade will give another update when it
is 90% complete.
The board had recently
received information that the pay for the annual meeting moderator is to be determined by the Town Board. Greg made a motion
to set it at $25. The motion was seconded by Mark. Discussion followed. Dave suggested it be set at $20. The motion carried
with one opposed.
Susie gave the treasurer’s
report and claims were approved and paid.
Dave gave the road
Greg made a motion
to approve the January 22nd minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
The Fire Advisory
Board meeting is scheduled on the same night as the March 5th Board Meeting. It was determined that Mark will attend
that meeting and Greg and Dave will attend the Town Board Meeting.
It was recently
learned that is it up to the town board we will or will not hold public meetings on Columbus Day and the day after Thanksgiving.
Dave made a motion to adopt a policy that we do not prohibit public meetings on Columbus Day and the day after Thanksgiving.
The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
The 2013 Budget
was reviewed for final approval.
The Planning Commission
had requested that we look into a fireproof file cabinet. A dented model is available locally for $599. Greg made a motion
to make the purchase. The motion was seconded by Mark passed unanimously.
Correspondence was
reviewed and the meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:00 p.m.