18, 2012
Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
No gopher bounties were claimed.
PUBLIC HEARING: Rezoning from Agricultural to Commercial II
Application 12-4171
Applicant: Kevin Vogel – Safari
North LLC
The planning report was reviewed along with the recommendation
for approval of the rezoning from the Planning Commission. Greg made a motion to approve the rezoning. The motion was seconded
by Dave. Discussion followed. The future land use map does indicate this area as appropriate for commercial development. The
motion passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit for a Wildlife Park
Application 12-4172
Applicant: Kevin Vogel – Safari
North LLC
The planning commission recommendation was for approval
with conditions as determined at the planning meeting. It was noted that one letter of opposition had been received which
primarily objected to smaller zoos more than to the proposed location. Many questions had been asked and answered at the public
hearing. It was a good dialogue and everyone seemed happy with the results. There has been a good deal of positive input from
the community. Dave made a motion to approve the CUP with the findings of facts as listed and the recommended conditions.
The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
Brad noted that at the next meeting the planning commission
plans to evaluate land use violations and make recommendations for prioritizing and resolving them.
After reviewing the information that Susie provided for
investments in order to have all township funds fully insured, Dave made a motion to place $300,000 with Edward Jones (1 year
at .5%) and to separate $200,000 at Brainerd Savings & Loan (a separate Money Market account) and designate both as Street
Improvement Accounts. With the CD at Mid Minnesota Federal Credit Union, this covers the $600,000 total in the Street Improvement
Fund, which is being saved for the impending need for resurfacing at least a portion of the 13-1/2 miles of roadway that were
initially paved in 1998. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
Susie gave the treasurer’s report and claims and
payroll were approved and paid.
Dave gave the road report. He noted a need for gravel on
Craig Road in the spring. He said that he had received requests from various people to do mowing with the township equipment
and asked if this is something the township should get involved in hiring out to do. Discussion followed and it was determined
that this is probably something we could do with other government entities, but probably not something that should be entered
into with private parties. Discussion followed concerning the repaving of some
of the roads. Dave shared that the county is doing an overlay on two roads in a neighboring township in 2016. We could possibly
plan to do our project at the same time in order to receive a better price.
Dave made a motion to approve the November 27th
minutes. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
Correspondence was reviewed and the meeting adjourned by
general consent at 8:40 p.m.