9, 2012
Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman
Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
Gopher bounties were claimed by Ira Newman – 167
pair, Jake Dehne – 32 pair and Sarah Beierman – 10 pair.
Jim and Karen Thelen were present to request a second entry
permit for their property on Home Place Drive. After reviewing the plans, Mark
made a motion to approve the second entrance. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
Rob Anthony was present to discuss the land use violation
on his property. The fence has been removed except for the posts, which will
need to come down. The trees have been planted, but it appears that many of them
are in the process of dying and will need to be replaced. Junk salvage requirements as found in the land use ordinance were
reviewed. Rob was asked about his fluids records and other practices. He was asked to begin keeping records in accordance
with the ordinance requirements. A 30 day deadline to meet item 49.7 regarding
maps and plans was set. Rob was also asked to go through the requirements one by one and decide if these are items that he
will be able to complete by a given deadline, for instance the end of next summer. He will discuss the situation with his
father and make a decision on whether or not to continue the business.
Martin Copa was present to discuss the outside storage
violation on his property. He asked why other parties have not had to clean up. It was explained that it is a complaint driven
process and that only violations for which a complaint has been received are pursued. The Town Board does not go looking for
violations. Martin stated that he will be taking photos and submitting complaints so that others have to clean up their properties
as well. He stated that he is cleaning up his yard and would be interested in
putting up a fence. He will contact Justin for more information. Martin asked if the board is afraid that someone will shoot
us over all of this and added that, had it been ten years ago, he would have done it himself. Mark stated that we are just
following the ordinance, which we are required to enforce.
Jerry Callahan was present to question why some of his
parcels are no longer zoned Commercial 2 when he believed that they were rezoned to that classification many years ago. He
was unable to locate the paperwork from the rezoning and the township received no record of it from the county upon assuming
planning and zoning administration duties. It was recommended that he visit the
County Land Services Office to ask for records from when the county made a decision on the rezoning.
Marv Begin was present to share some thoughts. Monty Jensen was also present and addressed the board and audience. Both are running as write-in candidates
for County Commissioner this year. Monty also asked about installing a “children at play sign” on 70th
Ave near the day care center. It was explained that the county has discontinued use of these advisory signs based on studies
that indicate that they are not effective. The township has followed this practice
as well. Dave stated that the speed limit there is 35 mph and is posted as such. He also added that vehicles travelling at
higher speeds can be reported and will be ticketed if caught.
Jake Dehne asked if it would be possible to install a light
at the intersection of 70th Ave and Business 371. Greg will contact Crow Wing Power to check on prices.
Susie gave the treasurer’s report and claims were
approved and paid.
Dave gave the road report.
He has measured two roads for the road inventory and will submit that to the county.
The minutes of the September 11th Regular Meeting were reviewed. Dave made a motion to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded
by Mark and passed unanimously.
was reviewed and the meeting adjourned by general consent at 9:00 p.m.