Regular Meeting October
23, 2012
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors
Greg Smith and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and those on the attached public roster.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
Bev Roscoe submitted 40 pair of gopher feet for bounty.
Brad gave the Planning & Zoning Report. Kevin and Kelly
Vogel were present to ask for the board’s thoughts on their proposed wildlife park which would be established on what
is currently the Johnson Motocross property. Kevin addressed the board and Brad explained that a zoning amendment has been
applied for by the Vogels and is the first step required in this process. The Vogels answered questions from the board and
reviewed their licensing and inspection procedures. Brad mentioned having spoken with a few of the residents in that neighborhood
and has heard no opposition at this point. Mark made a motion to accept the proposal for the Safari North Wildlife Park. The
motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
The Planning Commission recommended adopting the new land
use ordinance (Application 12-4137) as revised and the Land Use Map (Applications
12-4139) also as revised. The amendments previously adopted by the township were recommended to be carried over into the new
ordinance. It was also recommended that multi-family dwellings be allowed in commercial zoning districts only. The Ag/Forestry
classification was also discussed. The county had previously had a minimum of 10 acres for this district, as did the township.
The county has changed the minimum to 35 acres. The township, however, already has many parcels in Ag districts that are smaller
than 35 acres. More explicit junk salvage language was recommended as well and reviewed by the town board. Greg made a motion
to approve both applications as presented. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
The Anthony violation was discussed. Five calls were received
last week about this particular violation. The fence posts are still up, the trees are still dying and have not been replaced
and there is considerable debris that is viewable from the road. A 30 day deadline was given at the last meeting for satisfying
the maps and plans requirement of ordinance. An inspection may need to be made after that deadline and the board is awaiting
their decision on whether or not to continue the business.
A standard policy for processing land use violation complaints
was considered. It was determined that once a complaint is received a Planning Commission member should drive by the property
if the violation would be visible from the road if existing. Unless it is obvious that no such violation exists, the item
will be placed on Planning Commission agenda, where a decision will be made on what the next step will be.
Mark gave an update on the cemetery project. Ginny was
asked to check to see if we have to allow winter burials, due to the fact that some of them have encroached into adjacent
sites due to marking and/or digging errors.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 9:10 p.m.