11, 2012
Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties claimed.
The new land use ordinance was discussed as well as the
rezoning of properties zoned multi-use. The minimum acreage requirement for the Ag/Forestry district was discussed. The board
found it acceptable to remain with a 10 acre minimum for this zoning district. Multi-family dwellings were also discussed.
The current ordinance does not all them, but the new county ordinance allows them in nearly every district with a conditional
use permit. Greg suggested restricting these types of dwellings to commercial districts. Discussion followed. Dave suggested
looking into whether or not we could require a larger parcel for multi-family dwellings than for single family homes. Greg
will contact Justin.
A complaint was received about the Martin Copa property.
It included a report of excessive outside storage, including vehicles, insulation and other debris moved from the Engholm
property to the Copa property as well as discarded theater seats and other debris on the property. It was noted that in the
past, significant progress had been made on cleaning up the parcel, but that since then, more and more debris has been hauled
onto the property. A letter will be sent to Mr. Copa informing him that he has 30 days to clean up the property and inviting
him to the October 9th meeting to discuss the violation. The letter will also note that no land use permits can
be issued until the violation is resolved.
A letter will be sent to Rob Anthony informing him that
the town board will not be meeting at the town hall on September 25th. The tree-planting deadline is still in place, but he will be asked to attend the October 9th meeting instead.
By October 9th, the fence should also be removed.
Marv Begin was present to speak about his write-in candidacy
for County Commissioner this year. He was thanked for his attendance. Mark gave an update on the cemetery project. Dog control
and the wetland problem in the Burr Lane/Lone Oak Road area were discussed. No motions were made.
Susie gave the treasurer’s report and claims were
approved and paid.
Dave gave the road report. There is a second entrance at
the Jim and Karen Thelen property for which no permit has been issued. A letter will be sent requesting that they apply for
a permit. The fence at Diana St. Onge’s property has been removed.
The minutes of the August 21st Regular Meeting were reviewed.
Greg made a motion to accept the minutes as written with one correction on the last page. The motion was seconded by Dave
and passed unanimously.
was reviewed and the meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:35 p.m.