May 22, 2012 Regular Meeting
6:00 p.m.
The Crow Wing Township
Board of Supervisors held its Regular Meeting on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at the Crow Wing Town Hall. Present: Chairman
Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and those on the attached roster.
There were no gopher
bounties claimed.
Brad Arnold gave
the planning and zoning report, including an update on violations. Permit activity has been up. A question had been raised
about the banner at North Central Speedway. It appears that it does not violate the ordinance as long as it is maintained.
Rob Anthony was present to discuss his cleanup progress and an update on the Engholm case was given.
A request to extinguish
the township’s interest in the section of Burke Ave (formerly 2nd Ave N) in the Park Addition to Barrows
from the center of Block 17 westerly to Canary Street. No comments were made opposing this extinguishment. Greg made a motion
to adopt Resolution 2012-03 which is attached to these minutes. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
Three bids were
received for the old township lawnmower. The highest bid was from Don Wermter in the amount of $411. Greg made a motion to
accept the Wermter bid. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
A dog control ordinance
would need to be placed on the ballot or voted on at an Annual Meeting. Ginny
will find out the deadline for placing it on the ballot.
Payroll was reviewed
and approved.
Dave asked when
the roads should be mowed this year and how many times. It was decided that he should mow early in June and then it can be
discussed again around the beginning of July to see if it needs it at that time. A bid in the amount of $1596.09 had been
received from Anderson Brothers for crack filling 80th Street. Dave made a motion to accept the bid. The motion
was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously. A bid in the amount of $29048.04 was also received from Anderson Brothers for
the repair of Lone Oak Road, plus $24036.79 for Class 1 shouldering for a total of $31,481.80. With the fabric included, 3
inches of asphalt is probably not necessary, so a new bid will be requested with 2 inches instead, with quantities of materials
itemized this time.
Mark made a motion
to complete the Census of Governments Survey. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed with Dave opposed.
The joint agreement
with the DNR for the section of proposed trail along Brandon Way was considered. Dave made a motion to sign and return the
agreement. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
The minutes of the
May 8th meeting were considered. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded
by Greg and passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned
by general consent at 8:00 p.m.