Regular Meeting May 11, 2021


Board Members Present: Chairman Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Paul Stephany, Treasurer Sue Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.

Tucker called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Tucker made a motion to approve the agenda. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.

There were gopher bounties from Reed Stangler and John Jansen.

Under New Business Captain Andy Galles was present representing the Crow Wing County Sheriff's Department. He brought the 2021 Calls for Service list for Crow Wing Township for review. The number of calls was similar to last year. Most calls were for information. Not a lot of traffic enforcement is done by the county in our township because the State Patrol handles Business 371. Brad asked about driving complaints on the list. Speeding in the township is a problem. When people call Brad about incidents in the township he tells them to call the Sheriff Department. Andy said that they encourage people to call about any suspicious activity so it can be investigated. The most speeding calls Brad has received are on 50th Avenue, Catherine's Way and Lone Oak Road. Andy said he would contact the person in charge of the solar-powered speed sign to have it placed on 50th Avenue and Catherine's Way. Andy handed out brochures with information about all the associated organizations the Sheriff Department works with. The 411 Tip Line is very active and the drug task force is busy but they do a lot of covert investigations so the public may not hear about them. They have drug education programs in the schools to educate young people about the dangers of drugs. Mental health issues are a big part of the calls that they get and educating young kids about healthy choices is important.

The North Central Speedway noise complaint was discussed. Andy said all calls are investigated but enforcement is very difficult. Because the track was here before most people in the area, it is grandfathered in and the township doesn't have an ordinance that can be enforced.

A utility permit from Crow Wing Power for Wetherbee Road was reviewed. Doug made a motion to approve the permit, Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0. Doug has called Michels Underground Utilities about fixing the damage in the right-of-way on Wetherbee Road they caused and they are supposed to take care of it.

When MNDOT resurfaces Business 371 next year they will update the lighting at Greenwood Street, St. Mathias Road and 70th Avenue. The township currently pays the electric bill for the lighting at those intersections.

Under Unfinished Business no new information has been received from KLD on the township taking over Lone Oak Circle. Tucker will review the information Sue received from Bay Lake Township about their website. There is nothing new to report on the current property violations.

Under Public Comments Gerry Schuety said the sign at the park needs new poles and the parking lot is in rough shape. The lawnmower needs some work on the carburetor and new belts. He will take care of getting them fixed. The holes under the swings have been filled. Brad has talked to CentraCare again about the playground equipment and is waiting for more information about getting the equipment set up at the park. Gerry mentioned that the toilet in the ladies bathroom needs to be repaired.

Under the Planning Commission Report approval of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update was discussed. Brad said the Planning Commission met on Monday, May 10, 2021 and recommended Town Board approval of the updated plan. Doug made a motion to approve the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0. The Planning Commission also recommended that Ordinance Amendment 01-2021 be approved. The amendment would change the ordinance to not allow any new off-site signs in the township. Doug made a motion to approve Ordinance Amendment 01-2021. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.

Brad has talked to Chad Knudson at Wild Rice Depot about installing a bulletin board for township notice posting. Chad will be putting up a bulletin board. The Planning Commission recommended that a notice be placed about the vacancy on the Planning Commission. Notices will be posted at the Town Hall and Wild Rice Depot when available. The Brainerd Dispatch is the legal paper for township notices. After discussion, Paul made a motion to place a notice in the Brainerd Dispatch about the Planning Commission vacancy. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0. The Publication Summary for the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update and Ordinance Amendment 01-2021 also needs to be published. Tucker made a motion to publish the summary of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update and Ordinance Amendment 01-2021 in the Brainerd Dispatch. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.

Brad stated that Sourcewell needs to know how many copies of the updated comprehensive plan should be printed. After discussion, Doug made a motion to get 15 copies of the Comprehensive Plan printed for the township at a cost not to exceed $15 each. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.

Payroll was reviewed and approved. The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1515-1534 were reviewed and approved.

Doug gave the Road Report. Street sweeping is nearly completed. The shaft on the sweeper has been repaired. Trees in the right-of-way have been removed. Michels Underground Utilities has been called about repairing the ditches on Wetherbee Road that they damaged. ATV damage to driveways was discussed. Paving the areas that are damaged would take care of the problem. Mike House was in attendance and Tucker asked him to look at the damaged shoulders on the east end of Cook Road and give the township an estimate of the cost to repair those areas. Mike will also review the ATV damage by Wild Rice Depot and give the township an estimate on repairing the damage. Potholes will be filled when patch material becomes available. Trees were moved off the right-of-way.

The resurfacing of Gorron Road was discussed. Brad said that there is a lot of traffic on the road because people cut across from 50TH Avenue to get to Business 371. The section over wetlands needs to be repaired soon. Doug will contact Anderson Brothers to get an estimate on fixing the bad section of Gorron Road. Brad is willing to meet Doug and the Anderson Brothers employee at Gorron Road to discuss what was done in the past to try fix the road. Possibly adding Estate Circle to the construction plan for Barrows roads was discussed. The second culvert extensions on 50th Avenue have not been installed yet. Doug will call Dales Excavating to see when they will be installed.

Under Communications a notice from Crow Wing County Land Services concerning the sale of tax-forfeited property in Barrows was discussed. Brad said that there have been three instances where people bought lots in Barrows and found out later that they are not buildable lots. The clerk was directed to send a letter to Land Services asking that they inform buyers of property in Barrows that the standard lot is not big enough to put up a building because of required setbacks. The survey from Land Services about the Board of Equalization meeting was filled out. A notice about the Crow Wing Power Board of Directors Election, Crow Wing County Association of Township Officers newsletter, Crow Wing County Historical Society Annual Report, and Minnesota Department of Revenue Minerals Tax Unit annual iron ore reserves report were reviewed. A notice from Wings Financial Credit Union about the purchase of Brainerd Savings and Loan was reviewed.

The Brainerd Fire Advisory Board meeting is May 17, 2021. Paul asked if the township was interested in trying to get a hydrant installed for filling tanker trucks similar to one in Long Lake Township. Brad said it has been discussed in the past but a good supply of water was not found. Paul will bring the subject up at the Fire Advisory Board meeting.

Brad mentioned the beaver problem on Wetherbee Road is getting worse. Tucker made a motion to have Doug get a trapper to take care of the beaver problem on Wetherbee Road and see about removing the dam. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.

A motion was made by Doug to approve the April 13, 2021 regular meeting minutes as written, seconded by Tucker. Motion passed 3-0. A motion was made by Doug to approve the April 22, 2021 Board of Adjustment and Equalization meeting minutes as written. Seconded by Paul. Motion passed 2-0. The Road Tour minutes were reviewed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

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