Regular Meeting-January 23, 2018

Regular Meeting January 23, 2018 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall

Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona.

Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.

There were no gopher bounties.

Rezoning application 17-4556 to rezone a 2.5 acre tract from Rural Residential 2.5 to Residential that was tabled at the last meeting was discussed. David Peterson from DK Investments LLC was present to answer questions. Doug has talked to Crow Wing County and MNDOT about traffic concerns for these types of zoning. MNDOT is currently working to reduce the number of access roads to Business 371. Doug also is concerned with adjoining lots being developed as residential lots in the future. Doug stated that comments received at the public hearing were against rezoning. Dave stated that the original plat was for 2.5 acre lots and people bought property based on that. Doug made a motion to deny application 17-4556 to rezone a 2.5 acre tract from Rural Residential 2.5 to Residential. Dave seconded. Motion passed.

Terry Fischer of 11293 Town Hall Street was present to discuss the rocks along his driveway and the installation of a curve sign on Town Hall Road. He presented pictures of the driveway and showed that he is clearing snow from the end of the driveway before the snow is plowed so the plow will not hit the rocks. The rocks were placed to protect the edge of the driveway until next spring when black dirt and grass will be planted along the edge of the entire driveway and the rocks will be removed. The right-of-way is 33' from the center of the road and Dave stated that the entire right-of-way needs to be clear because snowmobiles can ride in the right-of-way and the rocks are a hazard. Mr. Fischer agreed to remove the rocks as soon as he could. There was also discussion about the curve on Town Hall Street because a number of vehicles have missed the curve and gone off the road. It is hard to see other vehicles approaching around the corner. Mr. Fischer requested a curve sign and reduce speed sign be installed before the curve. The board agreed to look at the area during the spring road tour.

Steve O'Neil of 7215 Remington Way was present because of the rezoning application. Greg mentioned that there are more items accumulating on his property. Mr. O'Neil stated that the property will be cleaned up this spring.

The Chad Jillson violation was discussed. The attorney's letter gave Mr. Jillson until January 24, 2018 to remove the mobile home before charges would be filed. There has been no communication about the Engholm, Tomberlin, Dillon, Neelan, and Copa violations.

Road issues were discussed. The new maintenance truck should be delivered this week. Dave has received a bill for $1,612.50 from Tri-City Paving for repairing the damage caused by MNCOMM when cable was installed along the shoulders of Wetherbee Road. Century Link and NEXTEL were notified of the bill. Dave is waiting for a reply. Greg noted that there were a few calls about snowplowing not getting done soon enough. Dave noted that the road maintenance contract is up May 31, 2018 and the issue will need to be discussed at a future meeting.

A letter was received from a resident about barking dogs at 8437 County Road 123. They asked the Town Board to assist them with this issue. The township does not have a dog ordinance of any kind. Crow Wing County Sheriff Captain Scott Goddard attended a Town Board meeting last spring and told the board that the Sheriff Department would respond to calls about barking dogs. The board directed the clerk to contact Captain Goddard to verify that they will answer calls about barking dogs and notify the resident who wrote the complaint.

Payroll was reviewed and approved.

There have been problems with the town hall alarm not working properly. It may be due to the garage being opened during recycling days.

The Minnesota Department of Revenue is having a free seminar at Central Lakes College on March 22, 2018 dealing with withholding and unemployment taxes. Doug made a motion to have Sue attend the training. Greg seconded, motion passed.

The School Bond Referendum voting is on Tuesday, April 10, 2018, and the school district would like to hold an informational session at the Crow Wing Town Hall on March 26, 2018 at 6:30 PM. The normal rental rate will be paid by the school district.

The 2019 levy was discussed. The Brainerd Fire Department coverage cost will increase 4% next year. The board agreed to increase the Fire Fund Levy $4,000 and decrease the General Fund levy $4,000. The Road and Bridge Fund levy will stay the same and the total levy will remain the same at $418,000. The following amounts will be presented for the 2019 levy to the residents at the annual meeting:
General Fund $61,000
Road & Bridge $300,000
Fire Fund $57,000
After more discussion, Greg made a motion to transfer $250,000 from the Road and Bridge Fund to the Street Improvement Fund. Dave seconded, motion passed.

The 2019 budget was discussed. A line item for $150,000 for Street Improvements will be added to the budget. Dave made a motion to approve the budget for a total of $404,489. Greg seconded, motion passed.

Doug made a motion to approve the minutes as written from January 9, 2018. Dave seconded, motion passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

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