Regular Meeting-February 14, 2017

Regular Meeting February 14, 2017; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall

Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisor Greg Smith, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona

Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.

There were no gopher bounties.

Steve Engholm, caretaker of the Engholm Trust property, was in attendance to speak about the current situation of the property located at 7193 Barrows Avenue. He intends to clean up the property and sell it. He asked if there was anything the Township can do to stop people from dumping on the property. He was advised that the township is unable to take any action to prevent people from hauling in items to the property. Mr. Engholm will continue to work on resolving the issues with the property.

The Board audited the receipts and disbursements for 2016 and selected several items at random to examine the checks and related documents. There were no irregularities found. The 2016 Board of Audit form was signed and will be posted for the public.

Brad Arnold presented the Planning Commission Report. The public hearing on Rezoning Application 17-4475 to reclassify a 35 acre tract and a 40 acre tract from Agricultural/Forestry to rural Residential 2.5 at 9680 St. Mathias Road owned by Steven Marolt was tabled to the next Planning Commission meeting on March 13, 2017. A Chair Person and Vice-chair Person for 2017 were elected. Brad Arnold was elected Chair and Dan Lee was elected Vice-chair. After reviewing the township fee schedule with the Crow Wing County fee schedule, the Planning Commission voted to recommend to the town board the reduction of the application fees for commercial variances and commercial conditional use permits from $750 to $500 and increasing the recording fee from $20 to $46 to be consistent with Crow Wing County's recording fee. Greg made a motion to make the changes as recommended and Mark seconded. Motion passed.

The ongoing violations were discussed. There has been no contact or action taken on any of the existing violations. The property closing for Crow Wing Estates was discussed. The clerk will contact the closing company to determine the next step.

Mark appointed Randy Powers to serve in his place on the Board of Canvas following the March 14, 2017 election.

Mark made a motion to approve Ginny Rogers, Nick Reindl and Darlene Jillson to act as Township election judges March 14, 2017. Greg seconded the motion. Motion passed.

The Fire Advisory Board meeting was discussed. The 2018 assessment will be reduced by 4.4%. The new contract included the revised payment dates requested by the town board. Greg made a motion to sign the new contract and Mark seconded. Motion passed.

The correspondence from the US Census Bureau was discussed. The revised contact information they requested will be submitted after the election and reorganizational meeting.

Claims and the Treasurer's report were examined and approved. The bill for salt sand from Crow Wing County was discussed. Brad Gorron reviewed the bill with Sue and approved the salt sand amounts that were billed.

Correspondence received was reviewed. The MAT 2017 Spring Short Courses schedule, District 8 Bus Trip to Capitol, and the minutes from the Township/Crow Wing County Highway Department meeting were discussed.

The levy and budget for 2018 were discussed and the amounts to be requested at the annual meeting were determined. Mark made a motion that the following amounts be presented for the 2018 levy to the residents at the annual meeting:

General Fund $65,000

Road & Bridge $300,000

Fire Fund $53,000

Greg seconded the motion, motion passed. Greg made a motion to keep the 2018 budget amounts the same as 2017. Mark seconded, motion passed.

The Annual Meeting agenda was approved by the Board as well as the 2017-2018 meeting schedule.

The board examined the minutes from January 10, 2017. Mark made a motion to accept the minutes. Greg seconded. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

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