regular meeting - 9/24/13

Regular Meeting    

September 24,  2013                             

Crow Wing Town Hall                 6:00 p.m.

Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers.

Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.

Rob Anthony was present and had gotten a quote from one of the contractors that he had contacted about cleaning up the property. Reed’s Backhoe will be meeting with him tomorrow as well. He was asked to meet with Brad Arnold and whichever contractor he has chosen so that a decision can be made before the October 8th deadline. Greg will give Rob a call on Thursday the 26th.

The Jensen complaint was discussed. The bags of cans are still where they have been. Brad had spoken with Ms. Jensen a few weeks back and she was going to get them cleaned up. Brad will call her.

Joe Nelson and Robin Nelson were present to discuss the Wakefield cleanup. They have taken one load of garbage off of the property. Joe is planning to purchase the property and is in the process of cleaning it up. He asked for additional time to remove the debris. The board indicated that they are willing to give him some additional time. He will continue removing the garbage and anything else not stored inside a building and will board up the mobile home and remove the tires.

Tom Martin was present about his property. He said that the remainder of the debris is on Marv Schuety’s property, not his. The Martin property can now be removed from the violation list.

Cliff and KT were present form North Central Speedway to discuss the noise complaints received over Labor Day weekend, particularly the fireworks that were set off at 4:00 a.m. that Sunday morning. They will not be having any fireworks in the future, so that will resolve the issue. They also received a number of complaints. Steve Hagen asked if there is a set time for the track to close. It was explained that there was nothing in place with the county when the township took over planning and zoning administration. Steve stated that midnight would seem to be a reasonable end time. KT said that Labor Day weekend is the only time they go beyond midnight.

Steve Hagen was present to discuss the request for a streetlight at the intersection of 70th Ave and Business 371. Greg shared his thoughts on the subject. He said that we don’t assess property owners when an improvement is made to their road, so it would seem like this is not something that should be paid for only by those requesting it. He recommended making a policy that sets criteria for when we will install a streetlight. He added that this is something that was requested by vote at the last annual meeting. He had checked with MN DOT and they have no problem with the light being placed in their right of way. Discussion followed concerning traffic counts and other considerations.  Steve presented a petition with 35 signatures from the area requesting that it be installed. Greg made a motion to put in the light. The motion was seconded by Mark. Dave stated that we don’t have a policy in place yet, it is a rural setting and Brainerd is in the process of removing streetlights. He added that he is not opposed to lighting and this would be the first intersection he would choose if one was going to be installed. The motion passed with Greg and Mark in favor and Dave opposed. Steve also wanted to mention that he believes the dip in 70th Ave. makes it hard to see smaller vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. He had an accident there himself last winter. His recommendation is to make the intersection into a three-way stop. He had a petition with 33 signatures requesting that this be done. Discussion followed. Dave will check with the county to see what regulations would need to be followed in order to make this change.

Brad gave a planning and zoning update. Mike Sullivan asked for any support the township could give him in getting Martin Copa off his property. Brad let him know that this is a civil matter that the township can’t resolve. Martin has been living on the property illegally for a very long time. He agreed to move off the property quite some time ago and on multiple occasions but continues to live there.

Payroll was reviewed and approved.

The cemetery project was discussed. No motions were made.

Greg had contacted Joe Radinovich’s office to find out if there was a special reason he was planning to attend our town board meeting. He said that the woman he spoke with made a comment about Greg not wanting him at the meeting. He said that Joe was more than welcome to attend. When Joe called him back he also mentioned that maybe he wasn’t wanted at the meeting. Greg assured him as well that that was not the case.

The minutes of the September 10thth meeting were reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously,

Correspondence was reviewed and the meeting adjourned by general consent at 7:55 p.m.


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