Regular Meeting - July 24, 2012

Regular Meeting                               July 24, 2012

Crow Wing Town Hall                     6:00 p.m.

Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers, Treasurer Susan Goodew and those on the attached public roster.

Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.

No gopher feet were presented for bounty.

Doug Kern was present to discuss his candidacy for County Commissioner this year. He spoke briefly and was thanked for coming in.


Brad gave the Planning & Zoning Report.  He noted that the water problem at Frances Perlinger’s home is lessening. The water is flowing and there do not appear to be any beaver dams at this time. The Planning Commission continues to work on the new land use ordinance, with particular attention at this time on the zoning map and classifications. Multi-family dwelling units are also under consideration. These were not allowed under the previous county ordinance, but are allowed under the new ordinance with a conditional use permit.  Input from township residents will be sought.  The Farm at St. Mathias had asked about a permit to add a residence. With all the various activities at the farm, a conditional use permit is most likely necessary, although a permit for a residence only could be issued in the meantime. Dave asked if the outside storage portion of the ordinance is underway. Brad gave an update on the progress.

The Engholm cleanup was discussed. A date of July 31st at 6:00 p.m. was set to meet with the contractors interested in bidding on the project. A certified letter will be sent to Curt and Isla Engholm informing  them of the date and time.  A sheriff’s deputy’s attendance will be requested. The meeting will begin at the town hall and continue to the Engholm property.

Rob Anthony was present to give an update on his property cleanup. He noted the progress made this month. A trailer has been moved, as well as a truck and a camper. Seven or eight piles of debris have been eliminated. It has been noted that from the road, there are more items visible now than before. Complaints have been received regarding this. Rob stated that these things have been moved up in order to access items further back. The minutes were checked for the beginning of this process and it was determined that Rob first met with the board in June 2011. He began attending on a monthly basis in October 2011. Dave suggested that an inspection be scheduled so that it can be completed before winter.  Discussion followed. An inspection will be performed on the property on Thursday August 3rd at 6:00 p.m. Brad and Greg will attend.  Rob was asked to attend the August 21st meeting to discuss the results of the inspection.

Mark gave an update on the water issue in the Burr Lane/Lone Oak Road area. Beth from Soil and Water said that a survey must be done to determine wetland delineation and elevations. It was discussed that this will need to be done before the township moves ahead with a culvert on Ravenswood Road. Mark will call Beth tomorrow to discuss this further.

The cemetery project will start on August 1st at 8:00 a.m. Mark will round up the necessary supplies. Greg said he can provide survey pipes and a 250 foot tape measurer.

Information from the FEMA meeting was reviewed. It was determined that we do not have enough damage to meet the minimum project total to participate.

K.T. from North Central Speedway had called to ask if they could have two Tuesday night practices. Both will be done by 8:00 p.m. will not likely generate complaints. She also mentioned that they did find that someone had used the track on Sunday July 24th and added that it will not happen again. When previously contacted about the complaint, she and Cliff were unaware that the track had been used that day, as they were out of town.

Greg made a motion to approve the July 10, 2012 minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.      

The meeting was recessed at 7:45 p.m. to be reconvened at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday July 31, 2012.